延年益壽的超級食物?! Superfoods!!


在國際健康雜誌中的一篇文章,曾經票選出8種長年益壽的超級食物! 其中的紅肉葡萄柚、蔓越莓果汁與綠花椰菜和酪梨就紛紛上榜! 文章中提及,每天一粒葡萄柚能降低壞膽固醇20%,每天三杯蔓越莓汁能降低40%的機率免於罹患心臟相關的疾病,綠花椰菜能防治糖尿病與肥胖的產生,酪梨則是能有效的預防高血壓與中風的危險!這些超級食物都是由全世界最頂尖的食物學術研究室發表的心得報告,無論相信與否,能夠堅持最天然的飲食習慣,都會對健康帶來益處的喔!

1. Red grapefruit
Eating one a day will lower LDL (bad) cholesterol by 20%.
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

2. Broccoli
It contains vitamin K, which regulates insulin, so you have less chance of developing diabetes or being obese.
Tufts University

3. Cranberry juice
Three glasses a day will lower your risk of heart disease by 40%.
University of Scranton, US

4. Avocados
A source of potassium, which (combined with a low sodium diet) guards against high blood pressure and stroke.
US Food and Drug Administration

source from http://www.menshealth.co.uk/food-nutrition/superfoods/life-extending-superfoods

